President Trump Man Of The People
February 17, 2025
Rhett and Link do a blindfolded ice cream challenge with Sean Evans 💀
February 18, 2025SNL 50 Quintessential Elitist Hatred
There has never been a better example of the hatred Democrats and Hollywood elites have for you than the “Black Jeopardy” comedy sketch at the 50th Anniversary show. Here, half of America shows up to see the Saturday Night Live of old, to remember when they loved the show and tuned in to see how it used to be years ago. Half this nation wanted to see if SNL takes the opportunity to bring us together or keep us apart with class division and enmity.
The answer came loud and clear, they hate you. Democrats hate you with a passion that will only fade after they are napping in the dirt. Hell, it would not surprise me if they took their loathing with them to the afterlife. These people became rich and famous off your wallets and pocketbooks and then when they reached the mountaintop, they turned their spiteful gaze at you in disgust.
Democrats, Hollywood, and the media hate you, they hate half the nation and that will never change. There has been one opportunity after the other for the left to drop their detestation for half this nation and start anew. They do not want that, they hate you, and no olive branch will ever reach these people. The time has come to stop wishing for or asking for cohesion and put the petals to the metal defeating these scamps at every turn in American Society.
Their collective hatred for us has killed comedy on every level. Here they took the sketch called Black Jeopardy that was rolling perfectly with laughter and glee as the entire nation basks in the glory of the return of Eddie Murphy to Saturday Night Live and they shit all over it. They used “that moment” in the middle of countless smiles across the nation and amid ongoing belly laughter to stop your smile midstream and inject a hateful Tom Hanks wearing a MAGA hat. It was shocking, of all moments, to take that Eddie Murphy moment and bring the joy to an immediate halt and to cast a thunderbolt of hatred at you and half this nation was stunning. Even sadder, it was not funny.
MAGA Nation has long since turned their heads and wallets to support late-night comedy shows, award ceremony shows, and any place or event leftists gather. The left collectively put a dagger in comedy and performative art. When we see figures that we used to love like Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, and Meryl Streep we do not see the artists anymore, we just see a big black shadow of hate. They did this, this is what they want and it will never change.
Lorne Michaels has overseen a decades-long invective juggernaut pointed at half this nation. His show does not bring joy, it hasn’t been must-see TV for a decade for half of America, and that man stands as the overlord to a clear and present grudge that resides in the Baby Boomers and spread to younger generations. This is no shock; the Baby Boomer Generation has been the most destructive force ever born on this planet and in the last dance they kill joy.
Shame on Tom Hanks, he could have said no way, shame on NBC, and shame on Comcast for funding hatred across the public airways. Shame on us for even believing for just one night under the umbrella of a comedic pantomime that we could be nice to each other. Lastly, shame on Lorne Michaels for not inviting the two-time SNL host President Donald J. Trump, at least we all know he is funny.
Here is a retort from Conn Carroll at Washington Examiner
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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