The Imbecilic Undecided Voter
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October 19, 2024Religion Of Ideology
Everyone defines themselves through one ideology or another. Each, like religion, holds a corner in some of our souls where we say; that our way is the true way, and we tell ourselves that we are right. Ideologues say that our way is the only way and all else is wrong. Ideologues have their talking points and their core beliefs. Any evolution of ideology somehow becomes contrary to their self-image.
It becomes some betrayal of everything they believe and somehow, they would lose themselves, if they allowed a progression of their ideas, the movement of knowledge would seem like an assault. I was once one of them. I believed in Conservatism, but now see where that all failed. Currently, I believe in the Populist Movement or the America First ideology. I don’t know where I will land years from now.
Ideology is fluid, not static, the fluidity itself makes us feel like it is a betrayal of who we are, static feels warm and safe. How many times have we all seen someone believe in something that was so clearly wrong and proven wrong, yet they can’t let go or see the truth? Denial is part of the genetic makeup of ideology. Even if the opposite of their ideology is completely and undeniably right, we can’t accept it.
Republicans or Democrats need to just open up to the possibility that there could be another way. The Right would tell you that they are traditionalist and that some things are not subject to change, that some things are timeless and can never be altered like the Bible or the Constitution. The left would tell you they are right while they cling to abortion not being murder or push forward a governmental cradle-to-grave nanny state. I would say to both sides that there are at least two ways of looking at everything and like Solomon said, it is time to split the baby in half. It is time for America to meet in the middle.
Life is a never-ending changing process that is fluid and not static as I said before, there are “no” exceptions. That means the way you feel today is not the way you will feel years from now or how people like you thought years ago. What is needed here is for everyone to drop their left-right ideology and look at what is best for Americans today. Let us together drop our ideology, just for the moment, and change the trajectory of our nation together at the ballot box. After the election, we can go back to being narrow-minded idiots stuck in the quicksand of ideology. Then, we can argue over who is right and who is wrong in Congress.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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