Democrats Can’t Hide Their Nerves
November 4, 2024
Top 3 Closest Presidential Elections
November 5, 2024Progressives’ Hostile Takeover of Election Day
America is full of people who will wake up on Election Day, crawl out of bed, and head towards the voting booth. There are legions of lemmings who get to the voting precinct and pull the level for all of this in their minds:
- I am voting for open borders where killers and rapists can walk over our southern border unchecked
- I am voting for higher prices on everything I need to live from food, fuel, housing, and insurance
- I am voting for child mutation and sterilization
- I am voting for tampons in boys ’restrooms
- I am voting for men in women’s prisons
- I am voting for racist identity politics
- I am voting for endless wars
- I am voting to send foreign countries my tax money before we fix America
- I am voting for restrictions on freedom of speech
- I am voting for censorship
- I am voting for higher taxes
- I am voting for gender-bending
- I am voting for many genders
- I am voting for buying dirty oil from Venezuela that destroys the climate
- I am voting for defunding the police
- I am voting for no ID requirements to vote
- I am voting for teachers’ unions over children
- I am voting for lawfare against Republicans
- I am voting for the arrest and imprisonment of Donald Trump and his supporters
- I am voting for progressive indoctrination in public schools
- I am voting for Drag Queen story hour in elementary school
- I am voting for soft porn library books in primary school
- I am voting for chemicals in our food
- I am voting for fluoride in my water
- I am voting for ineffective and harmful vaccines that do not stop disease
- I am voting for no restrictions on where I can smoke marijuana in public
- I am voting for massive regulation of small businesses
- I am voting for forcing people who did not go to college to pay for student loans
- I am voting for unchecked power over people, business, and religion
- I am voting for no restrictions on abortion
- I am voting for China to control all my life-saving medicine
- I am voting for ocean wind farms that kill the whales
- I am voting For Men In Girl’s Sports
- I am voting for reparations for Black Americans, even though I wasn’t personally involved in slavery
- I am voting to pack the Supreme Court with Progressive Justices
- I am voting for Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood to add 4 Democrat Senators to the U.S. Senate
- I am voting to abolish the Electoral College so Democrat big cities can decide national elections and not the small states and towns
- I am voting to start World War 3 with Russia
- I am voting for the people who brought us the Afghanistan withdrawal
- I am voting for the people who give 3 Star Hotel rooms, food stamps, plane, and bus tickets to illegal immigrants over Americans in need
You want to ask yourself how on Earth there could be people voting for all of this. It is simply unbelievable that we have Americans that would support this madness. But we do, we have these ignorami that are just fine with this societal suicide. I’ll ask you and the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, how on Earth can this union hold? How can we coexist with these people? How can we live under their rule and the yoke of a Progressive government that has gone mad? What do we do when half the nation votes for all of this?
I’ll say it again, this trans-agenda is a sick public contagion that is spreading throughout the leftist world. It is a mind virus that has blown into pandemic-like power over left-leaning exploitable minds in the Democrat Party. This ideology that has taken root in the heads of the easily influenced nimrods includes some real bizarre oddities. They are in the child destruction business plain and simple. Democrats are pushing child mutilation where they cut off the private parts of underage children. This madness includes sterilizing boys and girls with puberty blockers. It encompasses gender bending and telling children they were born in the wrong body.
These are just some of the batshit things the Progressive Movement believes in and is pushing. My list is surely missing some things they covet and are voting for. There is no end to the fundamental change they want to bring to America. Progressives have had a successful hostile takeover of the Democrat Party and now they want to consume the entire nation into the belly of this beast. We have to bring back teaching civics in our school, I do not see how we survive moving forward with this kind of blanketing ignorance on self-governance. None of these things should normalized.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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