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June 27, 2024Pride Flag vs. Confederate Flag
I am old enough to remember when the Confederate Flag flew on pickup trucks and swayed in the wind in front of people’s homes. Heck, that flag flew at the capital of many states and cities. Then came the winds of change, and the meaning of that flag started to transform. Like a butterfly going backward to a caterpillar, the meaning of the flag changed in the opposite direction. For a long time, that flag was looked at as a symbol for rednecks and southern people. It was flown with pride; it symbolized the pride of the South and its history.
Slowly that flag, to a lot of people, started to symbolize slavery and hate. Forget the fact there was there was more to the old South than just slavery. The people of the South were labeled racists and other horrible appellations. It was like none of these people ever saw the movie “Gone With the Wind” or read the book. To them, it was all slavery and hate. They would not acknowledge the beauty of the old South and its customs. Little by little, over time, this negative view of the Confederate Flag took hold, and it was taken down in almost all of the public places it once flew.
Now fast forward to today and I am seeing another Flag, and its meaning mutate. Today, the profound transformation that is following the same path is the Pride Flag. In the beginning, that flag symbolized gay rights and gay marriage. It embodies a positive feeling about human rights under the law here in America. I mean who could hate the colors of the rainbow, who could even ruin such a thing? Well, we found out in recent years who is responsible for that. The Progressive Movement who added the letters T and Q and the rest of the Alphabet Soup of malcontents to LGB changed the meaning and feeling of that flag.
Now, many look at the Pride Flag and feel the hate ruminating from it. We feel the disgust of what that flag means now. We do not see rainbow colors; we see men in women’s sports and guys in women’s bathrooms and prisons. We see drag queens going after children. We think of gender bending and renaming. The flag brings up ill feelings of mutilating children and cutting off their body parts. Puberty blockers and every sick idea and concept that the Progressive Movement has brought us are now wrapped up in that Pride Flag.
Just like the Confederate Flag that came down, the Pride Flag and colors are going away too. It started in Florida where the people, in the form of their government, stopped these leftists from lighting up public bridges and buildings with those colors. The growing distaste for that flag will not end there, it will spread. That flag now denotes the worst of the Progressive Movement and there is no changing that. That movement made people dislike drag queens now when they used to love them. People early in this movement were kind in calling people different pronouns, and then their goodwill was taken advantage of. Now there is no more patience for that bad grammar.
The Pride Flag has become a representation of sick ideas propagated by deranged people. Like it or not, this is where it is all heading. Years from now that flag will be a relic kept alive in some museum. Centuries from now humans will look back at this time and recall the horrors of the Progressive Movement. It will be looked at like the Christian Crusades. The future us will ponder why on Earth did they mutilate and sterilize their children back then. The slavery era and the progressive era will go down in history’s ashbin together as immense mistakes made by an evolving country. Mark my words, the Pride Flag is on its way out in America.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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