Convention Day 1: Biden’s Requiem
August 19, 2024
Matthew Perry: Doctors’ Harm Has No Borders
August 19, 2024Kamunist Kamala the Kameleon
There are hundreds of species of chameleons in the world. There are many kinds of lizards, people find chameleons interesting because of their unusual ability to change colors. One type of chameleon is the “Political chameleon” which is known as a person who often changes his or her beliefs and or behavior. This kind of lizard does not have a core and their beliefs blow in the wind carrying their proclamations in any direction.
Citizens of our country have seen their fair share of American political chameleons. They have been spotted across our landscape and despite their changing abilities, we can spot one from a mile away. The person-type chameleon dates back to the late 16th Century when King James wrote in the 1580s “I praye you not to takk me to be a Camelion” and brought forth the appellation into the English lexicon. Yes, they talked weirdly back then, but that is how he said it.
The 21st Century America has already had a chameleon president. There was even a book written about it. Clarke Rountree’s book “The Chameleon President: The Curious Case of George W. Bush” laid out a case for the concept of an ever-changing politician. The Republicans have had their version of this kind of political lizard already. Now, the Democrats are hoping they can get their version in the White House. I guess they think what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Now, whether the Democrat’s goose gets cooked or not will depend upon the capricious mood of the so-called undecided voter. This is a creature all within itself. An undecided voter is also known as a low-information voter. These are people who know almost nothing about civics and end up deciding the outcome of presidential elections. They are the political ignorami that wander in and out of voting booths and do some real damage to America’s political system every four years. In the words of Donald Trump, “These are the stupid people” and we are all captured in their tidal wave of ignorance at election time.
Kamala Harris is a political chameleon and will change what she says she believes in at the drop of a hat. Harris is preying on the uneducated voter to bring her to power. In the words of Hillary Clinton, we are going to “Require a willing suspension of disbelief” when thinking about President Harris as a reality. The former Secretary of State was not talking about Kamala with that statement; however, we can apply that term regarding Kamala Harris. To think that Harris is presidential material is in fact asking Americans to require a willing suspension of disbelief.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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