Republican’s Congressional Win
August 26, 2024
Doctor’s Transmania Scalpel
September 1, 2024Kamala on African Mutilation
The left would like you to think that women care more about abortion than what Governor Gavin Newsom of California recently signed into law, giving teachers power over parents. Kamala is a believer in most of the Progressive agenda. People often use the word “radical” loosely in the world of politics, but in the case of Kamala Harris, that word is spot on. The woman is light years away from the political middle.
On top of that making somebody president who has never had children of their own will never work. There are too many families upset with public schools and their trans-mania to listen to a word about it from a childless woman. A woman who is pushing such deplorable ideas about gender and children could never win. What the Left is doing with their Progressive agenda targeting our children in public schools is a top issue for millions of women voters in 2024.
Nobody is harder on Kamala Harris than American Women, they see what she is made of, and the beliefs Harris is pushing about children. Many parents and in particular the mothers are on the front line fighting to protect their children from the trans-agenda. Kamala Harris is a woman who has never had a child of her own.
There is no way Harris can understand the assault on American children now. Harris cannot understand because she is the one pushing a lot of it. Kamala is friendly to a progressive ideology that includes boys in girls’ sports, biological boys in girls’ restrooms, and giving the teachers power over the parents to groom their children.
In California, where Kamala comes from, it is now legal to not tell the parents that the school is trying to change their child’s gender. The school can legally, according to the new law, groom people’s children behind the family’s back to be the opposite sex that they were born. This trans-agenda is a sick public contagion that is spreading throughout the Democrat world. It is a mind virus that has blown into pandemic-like power over left-leaning gullible minds.
This contemptible mindset that blooms in the heads of the easily influenced morons includes some really horrible shit. They are in the child destruction business. These people on the left are pushing child mutilation where they cut off the private parts of underage children. This madness includes sterilizing boys and girls with puberty blockers. It encompasses gender bending and telling children they were born in the wrong body.
The trans-agenda movement is a war on women and women’s rights. It eviscerates Title 9 which was fought so hard for back in the day. The whole thing is an attack on women, children, and families. These people not only forget the fight women had for equality, but they also forget America once stood against the horror of African female mutilation.
They fail to recall that we found it repulsive that Africans were cutting off women’s clits so they could not feel pleasure. Democrats went from fighting African mutilation to mutilating American children and cutting off their penises, clitorises, and breasts. Democrats have lost their ever-loving minds and now they want Kamala Harris to lead them to the kingdom of the absurd. Notice there is no problem with females invading men’s sports, wonder why? The answer says it all. Maybe some reporter should ask Kamala her stance on African mutilation and when she says she’s against it, then ask her why is it ok for American children.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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