Jimmy Carter’s FEMA Gone Amuck
January 3, 2025
The BEST da bomb reactions of 2024 🥵 🥵 🥵
January 4, 2025James Carville Was Wrong About the 2024 Election
James Carville penned an opinion piece in the New York Times on January 2nd, 2025, claiming he was wrong about the 2024 Presidential Election. The problem with Carville’s take on the election was not that he was manifestly wrong, but why he was. The guest essay that the New York Times published was not a serious look at the Democrat’s loss but rather a self-unaware, self-aggrandizing, and sad narrative of a tired old Baby Boomer clinging to the one thing that made him relevant in politics.
James Carville is like an aging Pop singer who was a one-hit wonder and made a lifelong career out of that one song. Carville’s hit coined the political term “It’s the economy stupid,” and it looks like he is taking that hit to the grave. I would not be surprised if the man had the phrase put on his tombstone, Boomers have no shame.
We know the other Carville term he’s also famous for saying is not and will not be celebrated postmortem. James classlessly said, “Drag a $100 bill through a trailer camp and there’s no telling what you will find” referring to Bill Clinton’s victims back in the day. At the time James was trying to cover for President Bill Clinton’s dalliances with consensual and nonconsensual hanky-panky, but hey, that was the pre-#Metoo era and not as quippy as the economy quote.
James believes that the main reason the Democrats lost was the economy. While that is partly true, Carville ignores the other mountain of reasons the Democrats lost the presidential election of 2024. On top of the list of reasons the Democrats were rejected in the popular and Electoral College vote was that they were liars. The Democrats’ inauthenticity for the last eight years was omnipresent. You could not get away from it, they told you a senile old man was sharp as a tack. The left told you the former president was a rapist, criminal, and a Russian spy. Democrats told you the border was closed as millions of strangers entered our nation at the southern border.
These people told you that the most shameful embarrassment in American history, the Afghanistan withdrawal, was the most successful military airlift of all time. They told you not to believe your lying eyes when those people clung to the plane and fell from the sky. They wanted you to forget all the people Biden left behind for the Taliban to hunt. The left told you that the vice president was a likable person and not the most fake politician that might have ever graced the grounds of the White House in all of American history.
Democrats told so many provable lies during the COVID-19 Pandemic that it would be hard to list them all. What they put this nation, its children, and professionals who refused to inject an experimental vaccine into their bodies was monstrous. The “my body, my choice” crowd forgot about all of that mantra as they kept schools, businesses, cities, and states under their control closed well past the day everyone knew better.
I could go on and on about fake impeachments, trumped-up indictments, and counterfeit felony convictions that were all blanketed in a web of discernible lies. I could write one thousand words on Democrat “Lawfare” alone, but I won’t. Let’s just focus on James Carville’s reason, the economy. The Democrat Party and all of its fabricators telling America for years that the economy is doing just fine while the working class was crushed under the weight of Democrat inflation was why you lost James. Yes, it was the economy stupid, but it was more about the lies you folks told Americans about it. That’s why you lost James, that’s why.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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