Convention Day 3: The Gaslighting Continues
August 21, 2024
Convention Day 4: The Kamala Facade
August 22, 2024Ending The Office Of The Presidency
The attempted assassination of Former President Donald J. Trump made me realize that we need a president after all. I was starting to believe that the Office of the Presidency wasn’t needed anymore. After watching the Weekend at Bernie’s Presidency, I thought why the hell do we even need a president? He is just a puppet, and is not running things, so why have a president at all? Watching Trump rise from the blood, I was reinvigorated and reminded why we do need a president.
I thought it was time to consider the radical concept of ending the office of the presidency. It has become abundantly clear, the office itself has become ineffective and more like some cultural idol worship. Watching whoever holds the office is more like following some reality show than following anything of substance. We have a man with onset dementia, if not full-blown dementia, who is in the office now, and too many people don’t seem to care. It is not the first time, in the last two years of the Reagan Presidency, the man had Alzheimer’s disease. So, why have the office at all?
The officeholder has almost no power and is a prisoner of corporate lobbyists. The truth is little gets done for the people. Even with all the passion that a candidate feels and shows trying to get the job, as soon as they arrive and are embedded into the office, they become a shadow of their ideals. What does the president do anyway? Over a hundred million people get involved, wait in line, and vote, but in the end, the office itself has crushing limits.
We seldom see what we voted for come to fruition through that office. It has evolved into some puppet shows in which the office holder becomes the puppet pulled by the strings, but the poor silly little puppet never really gets involved in the genuine process of governing with a few exceptions. The office holder has become a rubber stamp where only his or her signature is needed in the end to sign off on the real power.
The real power in America’s governing apparatus is the Senate. So why not eliminate the office of the presidency and let us vote nationally on our senators? Joe Biden’s presidency made me think of alternatives to the current dog and pony show. We can create a small group within, like the “Gang of Eight” that answers to the people and let that body do the governing. The executive branch can execute the laws but exists without the office of the presidency. Let’s go back to the days of Ancient Rome and let the Senate run the nation. Hell, they do it anyway, so why not make it official?
The presidency has evolved into a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard. It is all for show. We concentrate on whether the office holders wear boxers or briefs. We focus on their pets like it is a news story. We wonder who left cocaine in the White House. The whole thing is a sardonic reality show that should be thrown into the ashbin of history. Then, Trump comes along and reminds me that a president can in fact accomplish things.
The president flies around the world, shaking hands, but never really getting anything done. There was a time when we needed this position in government, but that time has passed I was pondering. Biden made me believe this job is truly without merit now. Let the Senate run the government like Ancient Rome I thought. Let the Senate speak for the people. The President is our modern-day version of Caesar from the Roman Empire days, we should learn from the past and apply it to now. The presidency and its office have become the biggest and most expensive puppet show in the history of mankind.
Joe Biden has not been running the country. Whoever has been running the White House is an unelected shadow that does not answer to the public. It is time to end the notion that we need any of this I started to believe. It is time to end the nonsense and the spurious self-belief that we need a president in the twenty-first century. Let us listen to the ideas of Marcus Aurelius from the past and let the Senate rule, I started to muse. Then, shots rang out in Pennsylvania and I was reminded of what a president can do and inspire.
Marcus Aurelius never met Donald Trump and I believe he would have possibly changed his mind on a single ruler. I knew how effective Trump was as president. Hell, I wrote a book about it. My book “Poli-sci-smic: The Positive Impact of the Trump Administration the Achievements of MAGA” is the only book in the world that has laid out “all” of the positive achievements of the Trump Presidency. The book is available on Amazon.
I think Marcus Aurelius would have understood Donald Trump. After reading Aurelius’ book “Meditations” which is his private notes as the Roman Emperor, I think he would have admired Donald Trump with all his flaws. Marcus was depicted in the movie Gladiator as the wise old emperor. President Donald J. Trump is more like the Maximus Decimus Meridius in the movie. Donald is a modern-day political gladiator. “Are you not entertained?”
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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