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August 11, 2024
Democrat Party: Progressive’s Hostile Takeover
August 13, 2024Democrats Covet Abortion
One has to ask yourself, why do Democrats have this craving desire to have the right to murder their baby in the womb? This affinity comes across as weird and evil to the Pro-Life Movement and others. Of all things to “Go to the Mattresses” for, what is wrong with these people who worship at the altar of abortion? With inflation raging, the border exploding with illegal immigrants, and endless wars and proxy wars, the Left prioritizes murdering kids in their bellies.
Yes, it is murder, abortion is murder. Why can’t these people be honest like Bill Maher? Bill says, “Abortion is murder, I’m just OK with that.” Maher’s honesty is refreshing, albeit disturbing. Do you know who else calls it murder? California, the Mecca of Progressivism, has it in their law that if you murder a pregnant woman, you get charged with both lives. In California, the murder of a pregnant woman and her fetus is called feticide, fetal homicide, or child destruction.
The Democrats cannot run on their record in this presidential election. Joe Biden and his record are indefensible, so they run on abortion. The country is in bad shape, no matter how many times Democrats say Joe Biden is the most successful president in modern times. No matter how they cook the books and statistics, people cannot ignore the price of everything. While Democrats stand there claiming Joe did a good job, Americans will never forget how he disgraced us with the Afghanistan withdrawal.
It is just insulting when we are told not to believe our lying eyes. So, what does the Democrat Party do? The Left runs on the issue of abortion, hiding the fact that they do not believe in ANY limits to that barbarism. Abortion is not some enlightened view of people of high intellect; it is barbaric. It is barbaric because of its application alone. American women are using it as a form of birth control.
Democrats hide behind the less than one percent of women who claim rape or incest as their justification to have a right to choose. It is an intellectual shell game, and it is dishonest. These Leftists will tell you that it is their body, and they have the choice. The Left says that and then forces your body to be injected with a COVID-19 vaccine. The “my body, my choice” mantra and crowd remind us that the emperor has no clothes.
I’ll say it again. It is not much to ask American women to use an earlier form of birth control like closing their legs. It is like these Leftist women do not realize in 2024 the plethora of products in the market for birth control. A new birth control pill has just been released, and it can be purchased without a prescription. Democrats make believe it is not available to American women, because they never seem to talk about contraception.
You can’t argue the numbers or the axiom that America would be better off today if those tens of millions of human beings were not murdered. Hell, the tax revenue alone from the lives that never had a chance could have been used to contribute to our society. All those aborted babies in the tens of millions could have helped us pay for the Baby Boomers when they hit full retirement. How in Hell can anyone argue against that logic and those raw numbers?
This is why we need a check and balance system in government, to prevent one political party just slamming the rest of us with their out-of-control weird ideology. Enough is enough. We need to destroy the Democrats at the ballot box with an overwhelming vote. We must vote Republican down the ticket in 2024 to reinstate a balance of power that is so clearly needed in Washington D.C. and around this nation. Baby murderers do not have the moral high ground; do not give them your vote.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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