Debate Night: Kamala’s Laugh
September 11, 2024
The Burden of This Election Choice
September 13, 2024Democrat’s Blunt Tool of Race
As a blunt tool, Democrats call a lot of White people, White Supremacist, privileged, and other lazy racial slurs. The Lefties have even called some Conservative Black men these words. This somewhat amorphous word or concept, similar to fascism, exists in the eye of the beholder. Both are terms one can mold and manipulate into whatever it is that they are trying to do or say. These words or concepts do not have a concrete meaning anymore, no matter what Democrats will tell you.
These are fluid words/concepts that morph over time to be used by wicked people and others in power to get what they want. They are indolent words vomited out into the social ether by vacuous folks with no solid argument or core. Today, let us concentrate on White Supremacy. After all, I am white. I love being white, I am proud of being white, and I like being a white male. I do not suffer from White guilt.
I’m going to go back to the Obama days to begin. What better place to start a conversation about Whiteness and supremacy than the election of America’s so-called (I will address the so-called in another article) first Black president? I am going to begin when Obama saw a professor friend of his arrested after the professor lost the key to his own home.
The neighbors called the police because, to them, it looked like somebody was trying to rob or get into Professor Gates’s home. Professor Gates from Harvard and his arrest is the perfect starting point to talk about race. Some of you are old enough to remember that arrest and probably have not thought of that incident in years. The man misplaced his key and tried to get in his house, cops were called, and Gates became belligerent with law enforcement.
At that time the President of The United States Barack Obama had a knee-jerk reaction. Obama publicly jumped on a bunch of White cops and berated them before he knew what happened with the Gates arrest. For Obama to have immediately jumped to his conclusions and berated those police officers publicly about race, at the time, showed exactly why we need an honest conversation about racism then and now. To call at that time, what those White law enforcement officers did “stupid,” and the former president did, showed the kneejerk reaction of Obama on race. Barack identifies with his Black side and not his Caucasian ancestry, that is what Americans learned.
The stupidity of that incident reeked from the over-the-top reaction of the Black professor from Harvard, and Obama was shortsighted to get involved before the facts were out. All of this was a very revealing look at the true nature of Obama on race. Gate’s arrest back then, when it was absolutely clear the whole race element was in play; gave the cops the “angry” Black man routine. The clash between law enforcement and Gates was born from our different viewpoints of race. The Harvard professor highlights a great lesson that Blacks can be just as stained by race as much as Whites. The event revealed hypocrisy at the very least and how deep people’s views on race go. However, it is more than that.
At the time, many Blacks said this would never happen to a White man trying to get into his house. Let me tell you something that some Black people might not know, but some do. Skin color doesn’t matter in the Gates incident. All of those statements, at the time, saying that if Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. were White, then he wouldn’t have been arrested, are a complete farce. Newsflash, if a White man smarts off at a cop and won’t stop, they are going to jail too.
How on Earth this lie has been able to be perpetuated is beyond me. White people are dragged out of their own homes in cuffs every damned day. What planet are you living on? Smart off to a cop, don’t stop and you’re going to jail just like Professor Gates of Harvard; I don’t care if the color of your skin is green.
We cannot have an honest discussion of race while White people hide in the politically correct closest and get into the fetal position. Here is your test. If a White guy could get in trouble with what they are doing and saying, then it is wrong that all races don’t live by that same standard. Either we are equal, or we are not. In this incident Whites and Blacks are equal, but it didn’t stop Obama and Gates from having a biased racist reaction.
Just don’t tell me that I can verbally attack some cop inside my home, then follow him outside and continue the attack like Professor Gates and not be arrested just because I’m White. If that is your intellectual argument, then I’m sorry we will never see eye-to-eye. By the way, one of my favorite TV shows I love is “Finding Your Roots” with Professor Gates. I have nothing against the man, he has one of the most meaningful shows I’ve ever seen on television. I am just using his arrest as an example of how we see race in America from different viewpoints.
There are many examples to show and make this point. Whether it was O.J Simpson turning two White human beings into Pez dispensers, Jussie Smollett faking that the South Side of Chicago has been taken over by MAGA, or the many examples of how Americans see race differently, we have no shortage of finger-pointing on how we see race from diverse lenses.
I am sure, like I do, many Whites care less about the color of your skin and more about the content of your character. I have met a few White folks who believed that they were superior to Blacks. These people are here, and they will never go away, every race has them. I have met plenty of Black and Spanish people who are racist. Just turn on MSNBC, they are not too hard to find. This is America, it is 2024, and like Bill Maher keeps saying, can we live in the year we are living in?
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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