Trump Got Shot Too Early in the Election Cycle
August 19, 2024
Kamunist Kamala the Kameleon
August 19, 2024Convention Day 1: Biden’s Requiem
Since there is no clue or indication that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts will all walk out onto the stage and have Joe step down live on television, and since Democrats will not have Kamala sworn in as the 47th president making political history at the Democrat Convention, then what will day one have in store for America?
After having the chance to make political history that would thunder through the ages slip away, get yourself ready for a political funeral in Chicago at the Democrat Convention. Who’s funeral you might ask? Well, Joe Biden of course. Day one of the conventions will be the end of a fifty-plus-year career for Joe Biden and his rapacious family. It will be the last time Joe Biden will command the attention of the Party elites. Until Joe’s physical funeral happens, America will never see Joe Biden have this many people’s attention again.
It is all over for Joe, like Paulie in Goodfellas told Henry Hill in the kitchen, “Now I have to turn my back on you. There is no other way” Joe will now be non-grata in the Democrat Party moving forward. No more sniffing of the hair, no more stories of cannibalism, and no more tales about Amtrak will propagate the American ethos. Joe Biden’s career is already in the rearview mirror, he just does not know it yet. Kamala Harris will bring Joe to that evident truth this week in Chicago.
America watched Joe Biden run the price of everything sky-high. Joe did not know what he was doing, he only knew ideology. On day one of his presidency, Joe started a war with the fossil fuel industry. He started shutting down pipelines, putting union workers and other people out of work. Joe began shutting down oil drilling in our nation. All that raised the cost of everything that we need to live. Joe destroyed our standard of living with that move. We are all suffering today because of this economic ignorance. This is the legacy of the political career of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
A Requiem or Requiem Mass, also known as Mass for the dead or Mass of the dead, is a Mass of the Catholic Church offered for the repose of the soul or souls of one or more deceased persons. In American politics and Washington D.C., we have political Requiems. It is an occasion in which people who dared to be part of national politics are put to rest politically. Joe Biden being Catholic, well, he will have the experience of both kinds of funerals. Now how many people can say that?
Joe Biden will join the many in the past who have taken the walk to political perdition. Biden will be like many politicians who did not want to leave politics but have the forces of politics sweep them away, nevertheless. Political careers that are ended before the politician wants them to are in abundance. We have witnessed these political Requiems in the recent past and some happening right now like Senator Bob Menendez. Older examples would be Rod Blagojevich, John Edwards, and George Santos.
On Day 1 of the Democrat Convention 2024 youth will be served. The young will overtake the old and America’s Political Saga will march on. It is natural, this is how it works, and there is a strange beauty to it all. Politics is a combat sport, and few participants get out untouched. Joe Biden will not be one of them. A quiet hush and depraved dignity will lay upon the shoulders of President Joe Biden and silence the old man from Scranton, Pennsylvania once and for all. The old guard of the Democrat moderate will step aside for the new Progressive juggernaut and direction that the Party is taking.
We are all living in one of the most historic times in the history of our union. We stand in abject awe watching and listening to the last generation of politicians who could actually do politics well. We all came of age in a magical time in the arc of American politics. We all stand witness to the greatest form of government ever devised by Man. With all of its flaws and all of its majesty, American politics has no peer. With all that being said, now we have to turn our back on you, Joe. There is no other way.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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