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August 2, 2024Communist Domino Theory Meets Ukraine
For those of you who don’t remember The Communist Domino Theory was the reason we fought The Vietnam War. The theory was that if that part of the world went communist, the whole area would be engulfed in communism, and it would spread like wildfire. The problem was that the theory was false. Even more disturbing is the fact that no one at the time even studied this theory or tried to see if it was the right way of looking at things. No experts on the subject were gathered at the time to see if the theory held water. It wasn’t until over fifty-eight thousand Americans were killed and then years later the government admitted the theory was wrong.
America shows no interest in learning from the past. We also worked on the theory that if we invade countries and build new nations in the Islamic world, democracy will spread like wildfire. Of course, that theory failed as well. Even after we spent countless trillions and two decades running around the desert, there is no evidence that twenty years of war accomplished anything positive for America. In fact, the evidence points to us leaving behind a whole lot of destruction. We have massive troop levels playing whack-a-mole all over the world like it is some arcade game. The latest forgone disaster when it comes to our theories is our involvement with the Ukrainian/Russian War. All we are doing now is spending prodigious money on a crazy Ukrainian theory that they could beat Russia.
The theory we are working on that Ukraine can magically beat Russia, a nuclear power and an overall superpower, is a clear failure. The theory goes like this, if America does not stop Russia in Ukraine, Russia will invade all of these NATO countries on its border. That theory is nuts, Russia would never attack NATO.
We promised Russia years ago that we would not move NATO another inch towards their border, and then we broke that promise. Russia saw that and acted upon it in their self-interest. No one in our government is hitting the reset button and we are going bankrupt in part over this. America is in desperate need of leadership who will stop this pukka mistake in Eastern Europe. We are working from a failed theory of foreign policy once again and there seems no end to this.
Capitol Hill should be renamed Romper Room, and someone needs to call in the adults. Congress has lost control of the war declaration responsibility. This whole thing is out of control and our people are going broke with another misplaced theory. We need a whole new fresh look at what we are doing here. We need different minds to come to Washington and set us on a different course.
We need a change from top to bottom and an entirely new staff of entrenched career so-called professionals in government. It is not too much to ask someone to prove whether the foreign policy theory works or not.
Where are the people in our government that have a brain? How on Earth can we be so devoid of leadership? Well, I’ll tell you how. “Baby Boomers.” That’s right, this generation of leaders will destroy the entire world before they leave it.
Whether it was the Domino Theory of Vietnam, spreading Democracy in Muslim Nations theory, or this new idea of nation-building in Ukraine, someone has to stop all of this insanity. When you drive by a school bus stop in the morning on your way to work, where first graders are waiting for the bus, remember that those little kids will be fighting one day for another flawed theory of foreign policy. Apparently, it is their birthright.
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
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