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June 20, 2024Gay Rights Movement Hijacked
The Gay Rights Movement was hijacked, and we need Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals to help take it back. America embraced the gay movement over the decades to a level where they were equal in the law. Religious folks might not have liked it, but many of them agreed with equal rights under the law. All of the same people who supported the Gay Rights Movement and the Women’s Movement with Title 9 over the years are shocked to see how this landed up.
We have witnessed the total hijacking of two movements by a radical leftist mob that has taken goodwill from the masses and lit it on fire. This is where it went wrong. As soon as the LGB Movement allowed the T, and then the Q, and all of the malcontents of the Alphabet soup to join their label, everything went bad. Let me say that again. A good thing was turned bad. Two hard-fought movements and two joyful civic evolutions have been commandeered by the worst kind of ideas.
It is crystal clear to many of us that all the letters past the LGB are nothing more than mental disease. These are people that need help, their maladies are not to be celebrated or embraced. The process of throwing out every norm in society has already started. Men in women’s prisons, males in female sports, and the attack and targeting of America’s youth are just the beginning. It is time that the LGB folks join the rest of us and put a stop to this.
When a Supreme Court Justice claims in her Senate hearing before she reaches the high court, that she cannot define what a woman is, then we have a huge problem here. When the show Jeopardy, which requires contestants to be specific and correct with their answers, refers to a woman contestant as “they,” we have lost our way. Drag Queen Story hour for elementary schoolers is madness. Filling the children’s library at school with books you could not read aloud in a public hearing is insanity.
This attack on women and the destruction of their safe places has to be taken on. Bathrooms are not spaces of social experimentation for the mad hatters. The circus has been taken over by the freaks and there was a cut in the tent where the deranged got out. We must put the genie back in the bottle. These people hate all that is normal and good in America. They openly declare that they are going after our children. This is not rocket science, this is demented social suicide.
How on Earth did we go from a nation that was horrified that African countries were cutting off the clitoris of women so they could not feel pleasure, turn into a nation that chops off the private parts of their own children? This transitioning delirium is nothing short of mental derangement. School systems hiding from the parents that they are calling their kid some other name and gender is full-blown lunacy. I can go on and on with this loss of reason and mania, but how do we stop it?
We must as a society simply say no. Where are the adults who say no? When I was playing sports as a kid, I could not join the girl’s team, an adult would tell me no. No, you can’t do that you sick kid and I’m calling your parents because you need help if you want to do such a thing. Where are those elders? This mob turns the tide, it takes average people and claims that they are spreading hate. Up is down, down is up with these crazies, well no is no! We say no! No more of this unsoundness of the mind, no more social dementia, and no more redefining gender. No to men in women’s sports and prisons, no to guys in the girl’s restrooms, and no to puberty blockers. We say no to all of the madness. No to the psychosis that is spreading through the land. No, no, no! In the words of Nancy Reagan, “Just Say No!”
C. Rich

C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a multi-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
“America Speaks Ink is a Google News approved source for Opinion”